Wednesday, August 24, 2016

August update

Despite the long radio silence a lot has been happening in the house. Michanie has continued to find many problems but they have not hesitated to keep moving ahead and fixing things.

Trim was installed.

Appliances delivered.

Basement stairs installed. 

Siding work progressed.

Pocket doors installed. We tried a whitewash pickling stain and it made the doors pink! So we tried a medium brown stain over that and ended up with more or less of a teak color. At this point I said, whatever, good enough.

Insulation and resilient channel on the basement ceiling for soundproofing.

Badly placed light switches relocated and drywall patches made.

Basement drywall completed.

Wood siding started.

Vanities installed.

Stairs installed.

Disaster averted - a severe rain storm hit us and the neighbor was diverting all his gutter runoff into the excavated walk out pit behind our house... Water quickly rose and filled the pit. I spent tense hours and worked into the night bailing, digging and installing a pump to evacuate the water. The next day I returned to install a tarp and shore up the sides of the pit where the neighbors runoff had been pouring in.

Basement subfloor in the bathroom area.

Electrical work done.

And the work continues...

Financing a renovation

It can be a lot of fun to dream about renovating a house and come up with ideas.  But then comes the question of financing.  In the beginnin...